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7195 Simms St, Arvada CO 80004

ColoradoCare Initiative, Amendment 69 Information Night

September 4, 2016 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

ADULT EDUCATION – FALL KICK-OFF! Sunday, September 4, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
ColoradoCare Initiative, Amendment 69

Do you have health care insurance?  Are you on Medicare?  How will ColoradoCare affect you?  Do you know someone who is uninsured and unable to afford medical care?  Or prescriptions?  How will ColoradoCare work for them?  ColoradoCare, the universal single-payer health care initiative will provide a program to familiarize us with Amendment 69, the universal health care initiative.  Dr. David Ferlic will be our speaker.  There will be plenty of time for your questions. Everyone in the church and community is invited to attend, so put the date on the calendar and get the word out! Let’s be informed!