Our Ministry
The First United Church of Arvada is a neighborly, friendly church where everybody is welcome. We offer a Ministry for All Stages/All Ages. The United Church of Christ is a mainline Protestant denomination with an inclusive, global perspective.
We are an Open and Affirming Church which means we welcome persons of every gender, sexual orientation, sexual expression, race, ability and age; and we invite all to participate in the full life and ministry of our church.
We are a “Still Speaking Church,” meaning that we believe God is still speaking to us today. The “Still Speaking Ministry” is a campaign by the United Church of Christ to remind us that God still has a lot more to say. Since 2004, Stillspeaking has worked with thousands of UCC churches and individuals across the country to make religion relevant again and to extend an extravagant welcome to all—because no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here:
– Where your mind is nourished as much as your soul
– Where Jesus the healer meets Jesus the revolutionary
– Where together we strive to nurture a just and peaceful world.
We understand the Bible to be the story of God’s relationship with God’s people throughout history. We study the historical, socio-economic, political, cultural, and faith meanings within the text. We understand it to be a way to bring us closer to God.