It is truly a blessing to give of our Time, Talent and Treasure.
At any time, you can give to the mission and life of First United Church of Arvada by contributing HERE or by clicking on the Give picture below. You can also mail a check to 7195 Simms St, Arvada CO 80004. Below are some of the areas you can support specifically by writing it in the memo line.
Operating Budget
Day-to-day expenses of the church include compensation of our minister and staff as well as the curriculum for children and youth, heating & lights, postage, telephone, copy machine, janitorial supplies and, yes, even toilet paper.
Major Maintenance Fund
Money pledged to this account will be used only for major maintenance of the church. During the pandemic, Major Maintenance Funds were used to upgrade our ventilation system to facilitate our return to in-person activities.
Life Celebration
Just being alive is enough of a reason to give to this fund, but it is also in recognition of major events in our lives–birth, birthdays, graduation, anniversaries, and the passing of a loved one. The Stewardship Board has a “wish list” of needs of First United, which can be addressed when a donor wishes to give with a specific gift. The Council of Directors has the final approval of the purchases and projects of a Life Celebration gift.
Scholarship Fund
The purpose of this scholarship is to nurture a mind or talent that might otherwise be neglected. The award, to be given annually by First United Church of Arvada, will be granted to a person who shows a clear direction towards making a contribution to humanity. The award will be granted for a forthcoming academic year and is based on the fluctuating earnings of the Memorial Scholarship Fund during the preceding fiscal year.
Endowment Fund
The guiding principle of the Fund is to provide a repository for gifts to the church. Income from the Fund will be used to support the program and facility needs and outreach and/or mission activities of the church. Any and all undesignated bequests received by the Church are considered contributions to this Fund.
The Fund consists of gifts made to it by individuals and organizations. Gifts may come from any source, but it is anticipated that memorial gifts, beneficiary proceeds from life insurance policies, and bequests from estates will form the basis for major gifts. The Fund will accept only unrestricted gifts. Donors will not be able to specify how their gifts will be used.