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Our location:
7195 Simms St, Arvada CO 80004

Our YouTube channel

Like us on Facebook! And find some of our sermons, music, and more on our YouTube channel.

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Adult Ed

Sundays, 8:30am–Adult Ed Morning Discussions
Come any time for discussions on a wide range of topics! We meet at 8:30am Sunday mornings.

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Annual Meeting

Sunday Jan 26, approx. 11am–Annual Congregational Meeting
The Annual Congregational Meeting of the First United Church of Arvada will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025, in-person and via Zoom following our morning worship (approx. 11 am). The purpose of the meeting is to adopt the 2025 Budget, elect the officers of the church and Board members, approve the minutes from the Fall Planning Congregational Meeting (November 3, 2024) as well as any other matters that shall properly come before the congregation. The 2024 Annual Report will be presented at the meeting. It will be sent to all those with e-mail approximately a week before the meeting. Hard copies will be mailed to those who do not have email access and also made available to others for pick-up upon request.

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Angel Covers

Through the end of January–Collecting for Angel Covers
Angel CoversWe, as a congregation, have supported Angel Covers for many years (started by our own Kari Fillmore) and continue to support their ongoing mission to “strengthen healthcare and education in rural communities where children are vulnerable to malnutrition, trafficking, and disease to ensure every child’s life is full of health and opportunity.” For more information about Angel Covers, go to their website. We will be collecting for Angel Covers for the rest of January. You can give via check (write Angel Covers in the memo) or Give Online.

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Book Club

Tuesday Feb 4, 1pm–January Book Club: Mad Honey by Jody Picoult
Book ClubThe current book club read is Mad Honey by Jody Picoult. We’ve checked out a book kit for this, so there are copies to borrow through the church. We’ll meet on Tuesday, Feb 4 at 1pm at a member’s house. Contact the Church Office for any questions.

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Blessing Box Needs

Blessing Box (a.k.a. Little Free Food Pantry)
Blessing BoxThe Blessing Box (the free little pantry on a south corner of our parking lot) is open for use 24/7. If you’d like to bring items to stock it, here’s a list of what’s most used, though other items are also welcome:
Canned food (with pop top lids if possible)
-Protein sources (chili, soups, ravioli, chicken/tuna)
-Fruits & veggies (please NO canned beans such as black, kidney, etc.)
-Pasta sauce
Pasta or instant/boxed rice (preferably not bags of rice)
Peanut butter or other nut butters
Granola bars
(higher protein ones are best)
Crackers with peanut butter or cheese filling
Water bottles (8oz), juice boxes or shelf-stable milk
-Travel sized toothpaste
-Other travel sized toiletries and soap
-Toilet paper
-Feminine hygiene products
Socks, hats, gloves (for cold weather months)

You’re invited to stop by to fill the box with a few items from time to time. Or take items as you need them. And monetary donations are welcome, too, through our website. Thank you!

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