Worship (in person & on Zoom)
Posted by Admin Asst on Apr 18, 2020 in | Comments Off on Worship (in person & on Zoom)First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
Children begin worship with their family, then partway into worship children will be invited to leave with their teachers for their classes. “Worship & Wonder” is for K-3rd grade children. “Engage & Explore” classes is for 4th grade and up (and only meets about 3 Sundays a month). See the Ministry for Children page page for further descriptions of the classes. The nursery is available for children age 5 and under. And know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you!
- All Saints Sunday – All are invited to come forward, speak a name, and light a candle for a soul who has passed on during this past year. The bell will be rung for each candle lighted. If you are on zoom you may speak a name and we will light a candle. After we have lighted the candles for the recently departed, all those who wish to remember loved ones who have passed on in previous years may speak their name aloud, followed by the ringing of the bell.