First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
“Worship & Wonder” and “Engage & Explore” classes for children are on Summer break until Sept 8. Summer Sunday School activities for kids in Kinder-6th grade and up are planned thru Sept 1. See Upcoming Events page for details. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you!
The nursery is open.
You are invited to join us in laying the river rock to form the pattern of the labyrinth again following worship on Sunday, August 25!
The current Book Club read is Romantic Comedy: A Novel by Curtis Sittenfeld. Book discussion will take place at a member’s house on August 30 at 1 PM. Contact the Church Office for any questions about Book Club.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
“Worship & Wonder” and “Engage & Explore” classes for children are on Summer break until Sept 8. Summer Sunday School activities for kids in Kinder-6th grade and up are planned thru Sept 1. See Upcoming Events page for details. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you!
The nursery is open.
- Guest Message by Rev. Karen Howe: “Inside/Outside”
- No communion this Sunday. We’ll celebrate communion next Sunday, September 8
Gift of Music – Kids Bell Choir
Summer Sunday School – with Lisa Lytle & Liz Cook
Celebration! Choir rehearsal following Worship
We will discuss whatever is of interest to you–perhaps a new topic each week! You are invited to attend anytime or every time. Example topics: Did Rev. Howe’s reference to “The Book of Mary” in her guest sermon pique your interest? Would you like to know more about the Apocrypha? Are there any Christians in Israel or on the West Bank? What are the ballot issues we will be voting on in November? How can I talk with friends about this election? The UCC Church is spoken of as a “peace and justice” church – Do they take a public stand on important issues?
THESE ARE JUST IDEAS! Join us at 8:30am Sunday mornings for discussion and fellowship!
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
Children begin worship with their family, then partway into worship children will be invited to leave with their teachers for their classes. “Worship & Wonder” is for K-3rd grade children. “Engage & Explore” classes is for 4th grade and up (and only meets about 3 Sundays a month). See the Ministry for Children page page for further descriptions of the classes. The nursery is available for children age 5 and under. And know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you!
This Sunday:
- Faith Formation Sunday
- Rev. Karin Kilpatric’s Message: “Teaching as a Sacred Calling”
- Holy Communion
- Our kids’ Sunday school classes, Worship & Wonder (K-3rd) and Engage & Explore (4th & Up), resume for the school year.
Celebration! Choir rehearsals are back as of Sunday, September 1. Rehearsals are after the worship service on Sunday mornings. Contact Sue Wedaa with any questions (or if you are interested in playing handbells!)
Every quarter we’re offering a Q&A with Pastor Karin Kilpatric, when you can bring your questions about First United and the larger UCC church. The next one is on Sunday, September 8 following worship. Please submit questions ahead of time to either Pastor Karin or Kathy Hine in the church office. There are question forms on the Welcome Table or you can fill out this online form.
Join us on Sunday mornings for our Adult Ed Discussion Group. Topics vary from week to week. Everyone is invited to join our discussions, at any time. And we would be happy to tackle an issue of interest to you. Join us at 8:30am Sunday mornings for discussion and fellowship!