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Our location:
7195 Simms St, Arvada CO 80004

Serving Kids Collection

September (all month) — Clothing Collection for JeffCo Serving Kids
Serving Kids Clothing CollectionAll this month we’re collecting near-new clothing and monetary donations for JeffCo Serving Kids. The Serving Kids program provides clothing to Jeffco school children who are in need. Cash donations are used to purchase new socks and underwear for students, as well as new high-demand items such as jeans and sneakers. We’re collecting gently used and laundered clothing appropriate for school in sizes 3T to adult XXXL in the box in the church foyer. Cash donations can go in the offering plate Sunday mornings–in an envelope you label “Serving Kids.” Checks should be made out to the church (FUCA) with “Serving Kids” in the memo line. Online donations thru First United are also accepted.