Worship (in person & on Zoom)
Posted by Admin Asst on Apr 18, 2020 in | Comments Off on Worship (in person & on Zoom)First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. For in-person services, masks are optional. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask or are not feeling well, we encourage you to continue to wear a mask on Sunday mornings or join us via Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
The nursery is open. Elementary age kids will be invited to leave the worship service partway through to attend Worship & Wonder. Kids are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
- Fourth Sunday of Lent
- Lenten Prayer Candle for Poverty on Communion Table
- Message from Rev. Karin Kilpatric: “Lenten Wanderer”
- Collection for OGHS (One Great Hour of Sharing) during Offertory
- Special Music from the Celebration Choir “If With All Your Heart” by Felix Mendelssohn