Northeast India: A Travelogue (& Potluck)
Posted by Admin Asst on May 25, 2018 in | Comments Off on Northeast India: A Travelogue (& Potluck)What’s up there in northeast India, that part which is almost disconnected from the “mainland”–the part sandwiched south of Tibet, west of Myanmar, and north of Bangladesh?
Jill and Byron Flateland, always curious and up for new adventures, went to find out, photographing every step along the way. Share their journey as they discover fascinating tribal people, extraordinary places, intriguing customs, and exotic wildlife, all brought home in vivid images.
Join us as they relate their adventure at First United Church of Arvada, 7195 Simms St, on Sunday, July 15. We’ll kick it off with a pot luck at 5:00pm, followed by an hour-long presentation of photos and commentary. See the 1000-year old intricate stone carvings of Khajuraho (most famous for its erotic art, “naughty bits” not to be shown), the famous open-cremation funeral ghats of Varanasi, life on the tea estates of Assam and Darjeeling, villagers along the Brahmaputra River, life in the tribal areas of the Himalayan foothills, rare and endangered wildlife such as the Asian one-horn rhinocerous, and the vital conservation work being done by an NGO (non-profit) in reducing human-wildlife conflict.