Fall Planning Meeting
Posted by Admin Asst on Aug 27, 2020 in | Comments Off on Fall Planning MeetingThe congregational meeting known as the Fall Planning meeting will be held on Sunday, October 25 following our Zoom worship. (To receive the Worship & Meeting information, fill out the form accessed near the top of the page on the “Upcoming Events” page on our website.) We need a 20% quorum, so members, please plan to remain following the service or logon through the Zoom service link at 11 am.
Main topics include:
–Selecting Nominating Committee – Please let Kathy Hine in the church office know ahead of the meeting if you are interested in being on this committee.
–Approval of the minutes from the previous Congregational Meeting (May 5, 2020)
Other items on Agenda:
–Financial Update
–Stewardship Update
–72nd & Simms Project Update
–Update on Church and looking ahead
Denise Winn-Bower, FUCA Council Secretary