First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here. Children begin worship with their family, then partway into worship children will be[...]
Immediately following Worship we will have acolyte orientation/training for those who are interested (4th grade & up). We will meet briefly in the Sanctuary. If you child is interested in being an acolyte, please plan[...]
Celebration! Choir meets each Sunday morning after the worship service, in the sanctuary. Contact Sue Wedaa with any questions (or if you are interested in playing handbells!)
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here. Children begin worship with their family, then partway into worship children will be[...]
The 2024 CWS Crop Walk will be held on Sunday, October 20 following Worship, in the labyrinth. Kids are invited to bring a canned good item to donate and walk the labyrinth, placing their item[...]
The next book is The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot by Marianne Cronin. There is no book kit at this time, but it is readily available from the library. The discussion gathering will[...]
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here. Children begin worship with their family, then partway into worship children will be[...]
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here. Children begin worship with their family, then partway into worship children will be[...]