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7195 Simms St, Arvada CO 80004

Annual Congregational Meeting

January 30, 2022 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Notice of Annual Congregational Meeting – January 30, 2022
The Annual Congregational Meeting of the First United Church of Arvada will be held on Sunday, January 30, 2022, in-person and via Zoom following our morning worship (approx. 11 am). The purpose of the meeting is to adopt the 2022 Budget, elect the officers of the church and Board members, as well as any other matters that shall properly come before the congregation. The 2021 Annual Report will be presented at the meeting. It will be sent to all those with e-mail approximately a week before the meeting.  Hard copies will be mailed to those who do not have email access and also made available to others for pick-up upon request.

*Special agenda Items
– Life Celebration Committee (LCC) Policy Approval: Review and approve LCC policy changes made at the Nov 2021 Council Meeting. Changes to church by-laws, and to church financial policy and procedures, were made to address a number of gaps and inconsistencies identified by the LCC and others as LCC carried out its duties for the church in 2020 and 2021. An informational packet describing the changes will be provided for review prior to the meeting, and our church Treasurer Jason Hine will present the changes for approval at the meeting.
– The Nominating Committee will be entering in the following motion before the Nominating Committee report is approved: “We make the motion to accept a third term for our moderator, Chuck Clark.”

Please read the following letter from the Nominating Committee for a complete explanation behind the motion.

Dear First United Church members:
The Nominating Committee is well aware of the First United Church of Arvada CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS adopted on January 31, 2021. According to Section 1 – Section 1 – Selection of Officers and Nominating Committee Members
A. The Moderator and Clerk shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the congregation. Representatives of the Boards and Committees shall be elected by the membership of their respective bodies at their first meeting following the Annual Meeting, but in no case later than the first Sunday in February.
B. The Moderator shall be elected for a term of one year and shall serve no more than two terms consecutively.

That being said, we need your help. Before introducing the roster of nominees for each committee, we make the motion to accept a third term for our moderator, Chuck Clark.

After a thorough and unsuccessful search for a moderator for 2022, the committee is asking the congregation to make an exception to the bylaws, and allow Chuck Clark to remain on as moderator for a third year for the following reasons:
1. We have no volunteers from anyone in the congregation to take on the moderator position for 2022.
2. Chuck Clark has graciously agreed to continue in the role of moderator for one more year, and will work closely with anyone willing to be moderator for 2023.
3. Due to the extensive on-going 72nd Avenue project and the impact of COVID on the church, we seek continuity of leadership between the church and the City of Arvada.
4. Since Chuck has been the liaison with the city, he is best suited to continue in this role as moderator.

Thank you kindly,
Jill Flateland, Chair of Nominating Committee