Adult Sunday school (8:30 to 9:30 am) will meet for two weeks (March 17 & 24), with anyone from the church who would like to do some creative brainstorming about developing a landscaping plan for the church property. Contact the church office if you have any questions.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
About 20 minutes into the service, kids K-3rd grade are usually invited to Worship & Wonder (every Sunday) and 4th-6th to Engage & Explore (3 out of 4 Sundays a month). Palm Sunday and Easter are special Sundays that may have different activities for kids. Check with the church office for details. Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
- Palm Sunday & 6th Sunday of Lent
- Procession of Palms and Holy Week Symbols
- Children decorate their bikes/scooters during “Sunday school time”, then ride/walk in a parade outdoors
We will have our traditional Palm Sunday bike and scooter parade for the children after church on March 24. On Palm Sunday, bring your wheels already decorated, or decorate with us; we will provide streamers and glitz! We will have a short ride along the sidewalk around the parking lot. Adult walkers/bikers encouraged to join! Helmets strongly encouraged. Our children will also participate in bringing the palms into worship during the beginning of the service that Sunday. Contact the Church Office with any questions.
On Maundy Thursday, March 28, we will gather for a simple meal of foods Jesus and his disciples may have eaten (pita bread, olives, nuts, hummus, water, a simple salad…). We’ll be together in fellowship, singing, candlelight and Holy Communion as we remember the night Jesus broke bread with his friends before his journey to the cross. There’s a sign-up available (contact the church office), including a paper copy on the welcome desk at the main entrance. Older children who are able to partake in this contemplative service are welcome and we will provide childcare if needed.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
About 20 minutes into the service, kids K-3rd grade are usually invited to Worship & Wonder (every Sunday) and 4th-6th to Engage & Explore (3 out of 4 Sundays a month). Palm Sunday and Easter are special Sundays that may have different activities for kids. Check with the church office for details. Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Egg Hunt for kids after Worship
There will be an Egg Hunt after worship on Easter Sunday, March 31. Christian Ed will be stuffing the eggs that the elementary age children and younger hunt for on Easter morning after worship.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
About 20 minutes into the service, kids K-3rd grade are usually invited to Worship & Wonder (every Sunday) and 4th-6th to Engage & Explore (3 out of 4 Sundays a month). Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
- Greening of the Cross–We’ll decorate a cross with small branches of greenery from the outdoors to welcome the greening of springtime and acknowledge Earth Day (which is April 22). Please bring greening branches from your own yard to share for the decoration that morning. (Evergreen branches are fine.)
First United is hosting the City of Arvada’s community meeting with updates about the W 72nd project, including progress on Phase 2 construction from Oak to Swadley Ct and information about Phase 3 from Oak to Kipling, including the railroad underpass. The event will be open house style on Wednesday, April 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm (open house drop-in window). Please drop by as you are able to receive information. If you are unable to attend, information will be shared digitally following the event.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
About 20 minutes into the service, kids K-3rd grade are usually invited to Worship & Wonder (every Sunday) and 4th-6th to Engage & Explore (3 out of 4 Sundays a month). Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
The Endowment Fund Directors will be hosting an interactive time following worship on Sunday, April 14, in the Fellowship Hall (around 11:15 am). Discussion will be based on questions you have about the Endowment Fund. Bring your questions (there are no stupid questions)! Hope to see you then.