First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
This Sunday, children will stay in the service with their family. Children’s bulletins, books, and coloring pages are available. Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
About 20 minutes into the service, kids K-3rd grade are usually invited to Worship & Wonder and about and every other Sunday, 4th-6th to Engage & Explore. (This is a Sunday 4th-6th grade has class.) Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
- Epiphany Sunday
- Choose a “star word” during worship that you come back to throughout the year to reflect upon.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
About 20 minutes into the service, kids K-3rd grade are usually invited to Worship & Wonder and about and every other Sunday, 4th-6th to Engage & Explore. (This is a Sunday the 4th-6th grader stay in worship with family.) Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
The next book club read is The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate. There is no book kit for this book, so you will need to check out a copy on your own. Please contact the church office for more information. The next discussion is tentatively scheduled Friday, January 19.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
About 20 minutes into the service, kids K-3rd grade are usually invited to Worship & Wonder and about and every other Sunday, 4th-6th to Engage & Explore. (This is a Sunday 4th-6th grade has class.) Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
First United Church of Arvada is open for in-person Worship in addition to offering our services over Zoom. Request Zoom link here.
About 20 minutes into the service, kids K-3rd grade are usually invited to Worship & Wonder and about and every other Sunday, 4th-6th to Engage & Explore. (This is a Sunday the 4th-6th grader stay in worship with family.) Know that children are always welcome in the sanctuary with you or, if you prefer, you can bring your child(ren) to the foyer and still participate in the service, but with some extra wiggle room.
The nursery is open.
The Annual Congregational Meeting of the First United Church of Arvada will be held on Sunday, January 28, 2024, in-person and via Zoom following our morning worship (approx. 11 am). The purpose of the meeting is to adopt the 2024 Budget, elect the officers of the church and Board members, as well as any other matters that shall properly come before the congregation. The 2023 Annual Report will be presented at the meeting. It will be sent to all those with e-mail approximately a week before the meeting. Hard copies will be mailed to those who do not have email access and also made available to others for pick-up upon request.